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Card View: Color Cards Automatically Based on Parent

Leslie Ayala
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is there anyway to color cards based on the parent task?  I can't seem to do this in conditional formatting and was hoping to find another way.


  • Greg Gates
    Greg Gates ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/08/16

    It isn't the cleanest solution probably, but you could just add an additional column to your sheet that gets set to the name of the parent task for every row (using the new PARENT() function). Now you'll be able to use conditional formatting based on the value of this column. Once everything is set up, you can hide the column and everything should be good!

  • Leslie Ayala
    edited 09/09/16

    Hi Greg


    Thanks for the response.    I had done what you suggested but without the Parent() function.     That's a bit cleaner then my workaround!


    Thanks for mentioning it exists.  I appreciate it.


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