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My - Smartsheet Wish List 4 - Capacity Estimate

JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

This is similar to my last one but I put it seperatly as it is a much more complexed issue.


A property column visable in the Home screen and in the Properties dialogue box tha gave a rough estimate of capasity in %.


This would need to use an algorythem based on Rows*Columns as a 5 of Capasity weighted by Use of Hierarchy, Conditional Formatting usage and Formulae usage.


You have been in opperation now for sufficient duration to be able to have statistical information to work this out.


Ifyu agree Like it.



  • Hi James-- Thanks for this feedback. It sounds to me--and correct me if I'm wrong!-- that you're concerned about sheet speed and capacity, and you'd like a way to track this. Though this isn't on our short-term roadmap, we're always looking to increase sheet performance. Some of the limitations you're likely encountering right now are technical, for example we put certain restrictions on sheet sizes and saving capacity to ensure that all data will get saved to your sheet every time. As technology improves, and our developers continue to improve the application, we're able to raise our standards even further. So, while adding this information to the application isn't currently a priority for a our team (I've still added your vote for this to our enhancement request list), I think we are working hard on the core issue at play here :)

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Yes, many of the sheets my customers want are or have the potential to grow and being able to get a visual as to capasity based on the criteria I have outlined would allow them or me to better judge when we need to create new sheets to take the growth.


    It would also allow us to advise clients if thier sheets are getting too big and they need to rethink thier stratergy.

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