If multiple cells are not blank - check the box

karen_berard ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I figured the formula to check a box in a column if one other column is not blank, but I can't figure out how to check the box if multiple cells within a range are not blank. I'm using this formula:

=ISBLANK([Monday | Start Time]1) = false

I have a form that feeds into a sheet that has options for meeting start time, meeting end time, reception, dinner start, etc. Currently I have it set up to notice when meeting start time is not blank, but if someone only has a reception on that day, and not a meeting, I need it to check the box.

I need something that does this:

=ISBLANK([Monday | Start Time]9:[Monday | Reception & Dinner | Location]9) = false





  • Frank Falco
    Frank Falco ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you are trying to find if any of them is blank then this should work:

    =OR(ISBLANK([Monday | Start Time]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | End Time]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | Reception & Dinner | Location]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | Reception & Dinner | Start Time]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | Reception & Dinner | End Time]@row))

    Use @row instead of the row number, especially if you are using on multiple rows. Makes it easier for SmartSheet to calculate. I use it most of the time unless I am referencing specific cells.

    You should check out


    and the examples sheet


    if you are not aware of them

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  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I am not sure I follow EXACTLY what you are trying to do.


    Can you explain in detail what each set of criteria is for checking the box similar to the below?


    If [Monday | Start Time] is not blank


    If the above is blank, but this cell, that cell, and a third cell (list specifics) are not blank


    If all of the above are blank, but this 5th call is not


  • karen_berard
    karen_berard ✭✭✭
    edited 10/16/19

    Thanks Frank. This formula worked - 

    =OR(ISBLANK([Monday | Start Time]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | End Time]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | Reception & Dinner | Location]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | Reception & Dinner | Start Time]@row),ISBLANK([Monday | Reception & Dinner | End Time]@row))

    Although I needed the box to check if the boxes were NOT blank, so I just added a NOT infront of ISBLANK and it worked. 

    Thanks again.

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