Automatic Upload a file to "Proofing" from a Form



  • Any updates on this feature request. I work in govt agency and am looking for :

    Ability to upload proof via form or API

    Add invitees through webform or API

    API to directly link access to the row and proof.

  • C Kirby
    C Kirby
    edited 08/12/21

    There has been no activity on this request since March of 2020. Is there an update on when this feature may be available?

  • Patti Petitclerc
    Patti Petitclerc ✭✭✭✭

    Alot of requests for updates on this feature, but no response from Smartsheet? Hello? Smartsheet?

    I too, work for an engineering team and when a Change Order form is submitted it would be nice have the ability to upload an engineering drawing directly as a Proof, instead of manually.....seems like a straight-forward feature request.

  • Hi SS team,

    Any updates on this request?

    It is not an efficient workflow if the users have to download files and re-upload them back to each row.

    Please let us know if there's any progress for this enhancement.

    Thank you

    Paola Barlow, PMP

  • Please add the the Automatic Doc Upload feature (Form>Proof). Thank you!

  • Are there any updates on the proof upload via forms? This would be immensely helpful for our use.

  • I would love to have this feature as well. Our use case is as follows:

    1. A project is created and specific tasks are assigned to 3 separate columns of users: a column for the designer who will do the work, and two columns for users who will review the work.
    2. When a task status is changed to "in progress", a notification is sent to the designer assigned to do the work, requesting the deliverable be uploaded (via a form) when completed.
    3. When the designer uploads the file, a notification is automatically sent to the users in the two proofing columns that there is a Proof ready to be reviewed.
    4. Current State: A user must go into the row and change the attachment to a proof manually.

    So what we want is a way to upload directly, as a Proof, so that we eliminate step 4 which right now can not be automated.

  • amohan
    amohan ✭✭

    I am adding my 2 Cents. My Team definitely needs the ability to add documents to proof directly from a form!!

  • This needs to happen asap. In the legal services I cannot push this proofing documents if we have to upload the document twice (once through the form, then again as a proof). Please add in an option where it can be sent straight to the proofing stage.

  • Rosst
    Rosst ✭✭

    I also could use this functionality.

  • joneah
    joneah ✭✭

    This would save us a lot of time as well.

  • RC_SG
    RC_SG ✭✭

    You've gotten a fair share of use cases, but I'll also add my own. I hope this has been being looked into over the past 4 years since it seems no progress has been made on this and no updates.

    Our workflow requires us to add proofs and additional documents at the moment a form is submitted.

    Usually this means some files need to be proofed, while the others are things like client documents, shipping labels, etc. that do not need to be proofed.

  • Sonya F
    Sonya F ✭✭

    Came looking for support using this feature. Adding this comment to date stamp that this is still obviously a feature improvement that is greatly needed.

    We need for the multiple users to submit a file for review but do not want everyone to have access to the smartsheet.

  • I am wondering if there is any sort of new features that could be shared with this group of people or if there is anything that can perform the following tasks using automation.

    1. I have a form that I created with an upload file capability.
    2. I have an automatic approval workflow. The attached file works perfectly and displays in the email for the approval process.
    3. This is where it gets sticky. My stakeholders want to be able to open that file and then make comments or proof it at the point of the approval process without having to download the file then re-upload it AND we don't want them to have to have a full license in order to review and comment on an attached file so I thought the proofing function would solve for this.

    BUT I'm not seeing how this is possible without a license or without having to go into the sheet itself with a full license.

    Anyone have a workaround or a solution for this process?

  • Very keen for this feature, just commenting to increase popularity of this!