Average days returns 1 value if 0 and the average value if >0

I'm trying to have the value of a cell say same day in the event the average number of days is 0. I want to return the average number of days id greater than zero. Everytime I add an else statement it becomes unparsable. Here is what I have.

=IF(AVG({Field Scheduler Test Range 1}), 0, "Same Day", (AVG({Field Scheduler Test Range 1}))


  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    format for an if statment is


    you have

    =if(average,expected return, true, false

    =IF(AVG({Field Scheduler Test Range 1}) = 0, "Same Day", (AVG({Field Scheduler Test Range 1}))

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