Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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New Feature Request for Coments

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

It would be helpful if there was a way to flag a comment as complete. I would like to see a way to turn the Comment box for a row green (or any color) if the Comment has been completed or resolved. This feature would be very helpful for me to see quickly which rows or Comments needed to still be addressed. I am a very visual person, like most males, and this could really help to increase my efficiency. When you open the Comments box if the row number and title could be that same selected color it would also be an added benefit. 


Any thoughts?


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I like your idea but we typically have several to many comments on any given row (a project status row) so I'm not sure how that would work for us. Instead, I often go back and edit comments to insert the word "DONE" after an item has been addressed. It used to work better when you didn't have to click on See more and View n previous replies to see everything. I also highlight a particular cell yellow when another person needs to do something with a comment. I get a notification when they respond at which time I eliminate the fill. 

  • It sounds like you're wanting conditional formatting rules that apply to comment threads (font and background), and possibly the comments column on the left side as well.


    Although we don't have this type of feature, I'll pass your feedback for this to our Product team for further review. 

This discussion has been closed.

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