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Integration of multiple sheets into one calendar view

Louise Jones1
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I need to see multiple sheet calenders into ONE clean calendar view that shows time duration (eg in minute task blocks) and colour coded by employee.


I simply just need to see what each resource has allocated to them by the hours for that day, fed from across all sheets.


I've seen there is an calendar-app-add on, but its not granular enough to the time, plus at $2800 for 3 employees seems very high. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hello Louise! Smartsheet currently doesn't have a way to represent duration in the Calendar view but I'll get your vote down for this on our enhancement request list for further review by our Product team.


    If you're on a Team or Enterprise plan, you might consider creating a Report that aggregates your multiple calendars into one area, but keep in mind that they'll still appear as task bars over the whole day, with no visual indication of duration in the Calendar view. More on Reporting can be found in our Help Center: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522214-creating-reports

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