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Conditional Formatting

Laurie Bearden
Laurie Bearden ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I was wondering if there is a way to apply conditional formatting on a cell based on the outcome of another cell.  For instance, I have a % Complete Calculated column and a % Complete Actual column.  Is there a way to change a cell in the % Complete Actual column yellow if it is less than the % Complete Calculated? 


  • Boomba
    Boomba ✭✭

    Yes. Conditional Formatting is a really valuable feature in Smartsheet! You can find it in the left toolbar below the font tools.


    Here is a good article on how to use it: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/516359-conditional-formatting


    On my project mangement sheets, I use Conditional Formatting to change all the text of completed projects to 50% grey. This way, the current projects show up in eye-catching black text, and the finished projects are greyed out. This way you can still see the finished projects, but they don't diminish from focusing on the current tasks.

  • Thank you for your comment.  I actually use Conditional Formatting on a number of cells already, but I'm at a loss on this particular format that I'm trying to incorporate. I don't know if I explained it right.    I've attached a screenshot to try to explain better.  I want the "% Complete Actual" column to display yellow if it's less than the "% Complete" column.   Do you know if that is possible?

  • Let me try that again. I'm not sure if you can read that, but hopefully it gets the idea across.   


  • Boomba
    Boomba ✭✭
    edited 09/27/16

    Ah, you just want that one cell to change. I see.


    1. Go to Conditional Formatting, and create a New Rule.


    In the first box, choose the "% Complete" column.


    Click the blue text link above the second box, "select from list".


    Choose "is less than" in the first box, and "1" in the second box. (Anything less than 100% is less than 1.)


    Click the OK button.


    Click the blue text "this format", and choose how you want these cells to appear. (I chose a yellow background fill for the cell.)


    Click the "entire row" blue text, and choose "% Complete" from the list. Click OK.


    Click the OK button, and now any value in the % Complete column that is less than 100% will have a yellow background in that cell.


    Like this:

    Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 11.37.51 AM.png

  • Thank you, but unfortunately that's not working how I need it to.  The %Complete column has a formula based on other cells, but the % Complete Actual column does not (I don't know if that matters).  Anyway, I want the % Complete Actual column to turn yellow based on the number in the % Complete column.  So if the % Complete column is 5% and the % Complete Actual column is 2%, I want that to turn yellow.  However, if the % Complete column is 5% and the % Complete Actual column is 10%, the yellow would not apply. 

  • I decided to create a hidden cell with a formula.  That has completely solved my problem.  Thank you for your help.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Your solution is the only way to do a (cell value) > (another cell value) as Conditional Formatting won't do it directly.



  • Nicole
    Nicole ✭✭

    Hi Laurie - I know this a from a few years ago - but with that hidden column, how did you create the conditional formatting?  I'm trying to do something similar with dates and I'm at a loss.  Your situation seems close to what I want to accomplish. 

  • Hi Nicole.  I've attached a screenshot of the conditional formatting rules that I created and the hidden row of what it applies to.  The row is titled % Complete Actual / % Time Consumed.   Each of those is it's own row as well as the hidden row.  I have a lot of formulas in this worksheet, which I found was the best way to get the results I was after.  I hope this helps.

    Conditional Formatting Discussion.png

  • Nicole
    Nicole ✭✭

    Thank you!  I am going to try this on my sheet to see if this will work! 

  • Nicole
    Nicole ✭✭

    That worked!  Thank you so much for that workaround

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