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ODBC connector to Excel - how to share resulting workbook

luc bouchard
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Dear all:

Succesfully created an Excel-based workbook where data are sourced from Smartsheet, by installing the SMartsheet ODBC data connector on a Win10 machine; created and configured a DSN; and configured said DSN with my Smartsheet user credentials and API token from my smartsheet account. Let's call me user A.



The Smart sheet in question, created by user A, is shared between users A and B.



User B needs to gain access to my workbook. Better put, I need users A and B to be able to each work from the same workbook file - and be able to update the data based on the ODBC live connection to Smartsheet.


How do I best do this?


A- configure a Windows machine for user B with User A's credentials in the DSN?

B- configure a Windows machine for user B with User B's credentials in the DSN?

C- other?



Thanks in advance for any and all help!




  • dAVE Inden
    dAVE Inden Employee

    When opening the workbook it will be required to log into the ODBC driver with your Smartsheet credentials. Provided both users working in the workbook have access to the same sheets and have access to use the ODBC driver they will be able to log into it and get the same data.

    Note, Excel doesn't provide an effective or reliable method to save credentials and isn't recommended for sharing data.

    If you do need to share workbooks we suggest using Microsoft Query because of the way the data is created and stored.

  • luc bouchard
    edited 10/11/16


    Thank you for your insights.


    I am about to create a new worksheet with the intent of testing the saving of credentials into the actual file.

    It will be a "voyage of discovery" for me, but I anticipate the following questions:

    - Once I use Microsoft Query to access the Smartsheet data, and save those credentials into the Excel file: what kind of pre-configuration would i need to consider for a Windows machine (let's assume, a colleague's windows machine) to have access to the Smartsheet where the source data is located? OR is it that all the Smartsheet access credentials are contained within the Excel i will create using Microsoft Query?



    Appreciate your assistance on this - 




  • Mike L.
    Mike L. ✭✭✭

    Wow, I'm struggling with the same issues except I'm 2 years behind Luc.  Does anyone know if there are any newer ways to address the sharing issues?

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