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The collasp and expand thing is really driving me CRAZY

Heidi Decker
Heidi Decker ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Please help get this fixed! I am the only one looking at these sheets so I know it's not because of someone else doing it while I'm looking at it. Like others my sheets are very long even when things are collasped, so when they are all expanded and for some reason it defaults to the top of the sheet, it is taking a lot of extra time to get to work. The other thing is that I switch between the 2 sheets alot so I'm having to do this every time I switch. Not good. It did just start with the new filter enhancement. Please get this resolved.


Thanks & Peace!


Adding to this...

On the sheet I collaspe all on and then save, I go to my other sheet and within seconds, go back to the 1st sheet, it is expanded AND the save button is blue like it wants me to save the new view. If I collaspe it, the save button is no longer asking me to save it. So, it knows it's supposed to be collasped but for some reason continues to open in the expanded view.






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