Ranking column in SMARTSHEET

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi all , 

I am managing a contest between 10 candidates , and I would like to establish a ranking acoording to the " total points " obtained ( yellow column )  .

The ranking will be progressive as the candidates receive points incrementally .

Any suggestion ? 


Classement avec SMARTSHEET.PNG


  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    =if([Total Points / 100]@row = max([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11), 1,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,2),2,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,3),3,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,4),4,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,5),5,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,6),6,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,7),7,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,8),8,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,9),9,if([Total Points / 100]@row = large([Total Points / 100]$2:[Total Points / 100]$11,10),10,""

    The above should post a 1 - 10 based on the relative value of the integer in the corresponding row. If you add a column, add this to the second row of said column, and drag it down 10 rows I believe it will give you what you want.

  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    That or you can do it the smart way and use the new formulas I always forget about.



    Thank you very much !