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JIRA import duration problem

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I'm using the JIRA connector for Smartsheet.  I'm attempting to use our "original time estimate" field from JIRA for the "duration" column in Smartsheet.  It looks like JIRA sends the time estimate information in minutes, but Smartsheet is treating it as days.  So, a task that was given a time estimate of 16 hours in JIRA comes into Smartsheet with a duration of 960d (16 hours = 960 minutes).  That's obviously not what I'm going for.  How do I get Smartsheet to get better information about estimates from Smartsheet?


  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee
    edited 10/10/16

    Hello Jess, 


    So that we can troubleshoot this further, and gather some more information, can you please contact support@smartsheet.com with your question. Along with your email, please send a screenshot (full screen please) of the Fields screen in the workflow, so we can see how your fields are mapped. 


    Also please send a screenshot of the sheet in Smartsheet and a screenshot of one of the issues in Jira so that we can see the fields in each application. With this information our Jira support team will be able to investigate further. 

  • I've e-mailed support@smartsheet.com with the requested screenshots.  Hope we can work this out!

  • I am also having this issue. Is there any way to make Smartsheet report time estimates in hours rather than minutes? 

  • Is there any update to this problem. I am seeing the same now.

  • Updates? I have same issue as well. Image attached, highlighted 180 was entered in Jira Time Spent field as 3 hours.



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