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Parent Row Column Properties

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi there Team,

Is there a way to 'remove' or not apply the Column Properties to a Parent Row. 


I have a number of Sheets that have Checkbox - and CF based on the value - but only applicible to Children.


Purely (for me anyway) for ease of looking over an entire sheet, is it possible to not apply the Column Type to a Parent Row?


So ther PArent Row (Column A) would not have a Checkbox in the associated cell (Column D) so when you roll up Children the Checkbox is not visible.


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 10/11/16

    Hello—there isn't a way for Smartsheet to ignore a column type but you can manually enter text in most column types.


    I'll get your vote down for this type of functionality though on our enhancement request list for further consideration.

  • Thanks Shaine,

    Appreciate the feedback. I have formatted the text in the cell to be that of the background colour, hence it is not visible when scrolling or looking over the sheet, fo rth etime being this ill be a decent fix. I cannot remove the checkbox, as the entire column populates with a checkbox in each cell, it is what it is.


    This is suh a 'minor' enhancement - maybe way down the line it can be addresed. Thanks again, appreciate the response.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You have the solution I would have suggested.


    From an outsider's perspective, this is NOT a minor enhancement as it would (in my opinion) severely change the design of Smartsheet's sheets.

    If parent rows are different than children - what about grand-parents?

    And while it could be a cell by cell 'exception' list, it would not be pretty to code or prevent unexpected bugs or bug reports.

    If it is only cosmetic that you are looking for, you have it.

    If not, I would warn to be careful what you wish for.




  • Cheers Craig.

    We are using things more and more and really evolving how we are moving through our workflow, this is a little thing that, yes - could improve SS mving forward also. 

    For the purpose I was asking - purely aesthetic - this is not  a huge priority for us, I am still finding tips, tricks and roadblocks with SS so I prefer to ask than stumble around for hours or days trying to work something out.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    No worries.

    The Community has lots of people willing to spend time to keep you from stumbling too much. I come here to learn as much as help others.

    Kudos for the continuous improvements.



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