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Webform view, Row Guidelines



1) Webform View- not sure if this is already available but whenever you complete a form and you ask for a copy for yourself,  you get this really nice tabulated form with all the entry that goes in a single row in the smart sheet.  Could there be a view ( similar to card view)   that allows you to see a particular row in this manner? It just helps when you want to focus on activities/action for one row at a time. 


2) Row Guideline - when we build the forms we include guideline to assist the "fillers" on what to input within that particular field and also specify whether or not this is mandatory. Could this be incorporated in the smartsheet Grid as well.  Right now I have made a GUIDELINES ROW with these info but then of course this gets moved, sorted and filtered just like any other row.  It would be nice if you can make it a permanent row just below the column names which you can enable or disable.  It helps the viewers know what that particular column is all about. 






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