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several sheets, one update request?

Si Spence
Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Dear clever people of Planet SS


I have created a Report to summarise the Milestones shared in several critical paths all of which are on seperate SS's.


I now want to send out just one 'Update Request' to one person who has the same task across all Crit Paths, but when i do this I get a message that I can only send multiple 'update requests' from one sheet and not across several sheets.


This seems very odd to me...has anybody got experience of finding a way round this shortcoming.


Thansk all


  • Hello Si—As you've found, there currently isn't a way to batch select rows from different sheets when creating an update request from a report. You'll need to select rows from the same sheet when making each update request. 


    This is because on the backend the requests are still being built on and are attached to the sheets themselves.


    You can still batch select rows when creating update requests from the report, they just must be from the same sheet.


    I'll pass your feedback along for our Product team to consider expanding this functionality such that reports can allow multiple update requests to be generated from multiple sheets.

  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Shaine, thanks for the note.  SS does supprise me sometimes by missing some functionality that really might be concidered 'a must', this is one example along with 'comments' which seem miles away from where it aught to be in order to be taken seriously as a communication tool.  Comments are okay for logging 'status' updates and general info. but they're just not directional enough. shame, but hopfully they have improvements for comments on their list. Thanks again.

  • Regarding Si Spence question about several sheets, one update request: has your product team worked on this functionality? As I am trying to do the same thing, send a report update request with rows from different sheets and it is not allowing me. Please advise. 

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