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Best Practices for Organizing Multiple Similar Projects in SmartSheets

Leslie Knight
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

We just started the 30 day team trial. What is the best way to organize multiple similar projects in SmartSheets in order to create a consolidated view of them? For example, 10 clients are going through a similar process (with a little customization to each process). We have a basic template, which is turned into a sheet for each client and then customized as needed. The goal is to see a roll up view (calendar) or roll-up report for all clients.




  • Chuck Muirhead
    Chuck Muirhead ✭✭✭✭✭

    We do something that may be similar.  We have over 100 clients (school districts) that we have created individual sheets, that the district coordinator can access and edit.  All of the districts sheets are identical in setup and structure.  From this we run a number of  reports that pulls data from all district sheets into one specific report.


    The district sheets are used to maintain client documents, task completion and communications (we basically use this as a CRM).  For example, each year the client must recertify program compliance standards.  The client can go drirectly to the sheet and update the standards or they can complete the "Update Request" we send from SmartSheets.  Additionally, we communcate on items by sending the district one or multiple rows with a questions.  The District can reply to the email with an answer or update SmartSheet directly. 


    From this we run reports that are specific to internal needs and provide access to those reports to appropriate departments.  For example, the district sheet also houses the various district contacts and we create can create a report that justs pulls the 'student database" contact for our IT department to send ot their quarter requests.


    The trick is to create a "Template Sheet" that you just "Save as New" each time.  THat way you do not need to recreate the sheet manually....jsut be sure you get it all setup right the first time. 


    Hope this helps.

  • Thank you, Chuck. 


    It sounds like I'm heading in the right direction....a template I can reuse and individual sheets for each client.

    Do you use workspaces or folders? Do you have any "security" concerns with respect to your clients seeing sheets?

  • Chuck Muirhead
    Chuck Muirhead ✭✭✭✭✭

    We use both Folders and Workspaces.  The sheets are shared individually with each district (also our internal Staff) and they do not have access to see any other district's sheet.  A few clients I have workspaces for as I have created specialty sheets and reports for the district.


    I do plan to move the sheets from folders to workspaces I have created for the district consultants who manage the districts, but I have held off a bit as I want to be sure I get the sharing process down, so i do not restrict access to internal staff or provide access to other districts in the workspace.  SmartSheet did not have the workspace sharing features it does now when I created the district sheets.

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