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Sales Pipeline Sheet information links to Project management sheet upon status change

Duane Bolt
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Our company tracks sales opportunities and basic project management using Google Sheets.


We would like to move this function to Smartsheets.

Our basic process: (We design, fabricate and install elevator interiors)


A new sales opportunity is logged into a googel sheet and given a status of "Bidding". We also input several other pieces of information. Once we move the sales opportunity through the process, it is finally changed to a "Signed" status...meaning we signed a contract with a customer.


Once we have "signed" the project, it now starts moving through the project management funnel. There are several phases to this part of the process culminating when we have completed the installation of the elevator interior. 


We would like to create two sheets, one for the sales pipeline activites and one for project management activities. Ideally, we would like for information to be entered one time where information from the sales pipeline sheet would populate a new row in the PM sheet once the opportunity is "signed".  It seems that a check-box column could be added where, once checked, a new row in the PM is created, pulling over basic opportunity information.


Any thoughts?


  • Hi Duane—We don't yet have a way to perform this type of automation in Smartsheet but I'll get your vote down for this on our enhancement request list for further review by our product team.


    With that being said, you might consider using a third party service, such as Azuqua, that can facilitate moving or copying rows between your sheets conditionally (such as when a box is checked).

  • Jef Forward
    Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/03/16

    Duane, we use our smartsheets in a similar fashion.   When we have a client graduate from our sales stage to our design stage and then to our build stage, we simply move the row from sheet to sheet.   The downside of this approach as you get some columns from one stage to the next that you don't necessarily need however we simply hide those and or filter what we want to see for that stage sheet.   We also track our conversion rates from stage to stage, and if a client does not graduate to the next stage they simply get moved a different sheet, the lost sheet.  


    Hope this helps let me know if you have any questions.

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