Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Shortcut list in Sights

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

If I want to add a widget which shows clickable links to Word document files in Sights (shortcut list), is it possible? See the snapshot below. ( I found this snapshot at

Shortcut links.PNG


  • Harsh,

    If I understand your question correctly you are asking if you can add a link that will open up a Word document from a Sight. If that is right, then the answer is yes.  We do it on each of your Project Sights,  One project deliverable is a word document called "Project Scope" .  On thee project's sight page we add a "Shortcut" widget.  We point the shortcut to the location of the project's Scope document (Word doc).

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 11/07/16

    Thanks Phil.

    When you say you 'point the shortcut to the location', which location are you referring to?

    When I click on shortcut widget, I get only three options: URL, File, Smartsheet Item.


    I have my files stored on my computer so I cannot use a URL or a smartsheet item.

    The last option FILE : Smartsheet only allows cloud file sharing options such as Google Drive, dropbox etc. 


    What's the solution to my question?

  • Hello Harsh—There currently isn't a way to upload a file from your computer directly to a Sight but I'll get your vote down for this on our enhancement request list for further review by our Product team.


    At this time, you'll want to consider uploading the file to one of the supported cloud file storage service (such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, etc.), then attaching the link to the file in the Shortcut Widget.

  • It would be very helpful to be able to put in a file url, i.e. "File://[xxx]"

  • ✭✭✭

    Please add my vote for uploading files directly from my computer to a Sight. This is possible in other areas of Smartsheet, as attachments to a sheet for example. Even if we could link to attachments from a sheet to a Sight, that could be another possible solution?

  • Hello all on this thread,

    We have a potential solution to have your doc's accessible from your sight.

    Step 1. Go to source Sheet where your doc's are located.

    Step 2. Click the "Attachments (?)" Tab at bottom of your Sheet.

    Step 3. Select Documents you want to have immediate access to and email to yourself.

    Step 4. Open email and right click/copy link as the URL Link & paste into your Widget.

    Note* The link will only be good for 30 days and it is a downloadable document that can be interacted with on both browser and mobile app.

    Hope this helps, it is working for our application(s).

    Step 3.png

This discussion has been closed.

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