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Linked cells - date format

Clive Bolton
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi - Ive reviewed the discussions but couldnt find an answer. I have a summary sheet and have linked dates from other sheets. When i look to have the summary sheet in GANTT form the data is not recognised as a date and hence it doesnt auto visual.


Anyone else come across this ?




  • Is the data that is cell linked in a date column? The sheet requires two date columns to enable Gantt view.

  • Hi Benjamin - it is, when the date column is updated in the linked sheet and comes across into the date column in the other sheet it doent show as a date although i have set the columns to be date format - i can manually enter dates in the columns outside of linked cells - will keep playing and let you know

  • @Clive Bolton Is your source sheet column (where the data originates from) set as a date column? It sounds like since you can manually type in and get the date formatting on your destination sheet, that your source sheet's data isn't formatted for date.

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