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Users are seeing different data

I have a remote user that appears to be seeing "old" data.  Data from a previous update.  She has tried to refresh her browser, but it doesn't correct the problem.  Any suggestions on how to correct this?


  • Hi Clay,


    Have them refresh the sheet itself by right-clicking the sheet name at the top and selecting Refresh.


    If that doesn't do the trick, then it's likely that your remote user is looking at a different sheet. Have them right-click the sheet name at the top and go to Properties. Then, have them compare the Sheet ID with the ID of the sheet you're looking at.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If Shaine's suggestion does not work, contact him or support@smartsheet.com.


    Several times the previous Community Manager did something magical on the back-end to resolve similar issues for other users.



  • Hi Clay—as J. Craig touched on, contacting Support@Smartsheet.com would be your next step. They've got plenty of tricks up their sleeves :)

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