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Card View - printing/exporting?

Loann McGee
Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Good afternoon,

Is there a plan to allow printing/emailing of the card view? This would be of great benefit for our team.





  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Tony is right the best view is the real time On Line view but if all you want is just a screen grab, you could just do that, or Print to PDF? 


    Hope that helps 


  • Loann McGee
    Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Print to PDF from Smartsheet shows rows, not cards. ;-(

    We could make use of this option if it were printable...not a deal killer, but would be a wonderful enhancement.

    Also, I understand that the sort is driven by drop-down boxes. We would love to have the option to sort by a date column...



  • Russell Taylor
    edited 01/05/17

    Agreed. We are beginning to use the Card View to manage and visualize our Product Roadmap. The ability to quickly export the card view such that it can be embedded as an image in a powerpoint would be very useful.

  • Card view has so much potential.  It would be incredibly helpful to be able to print card view, export card view in pdf, and to have card view included in reports!  

    I see requests and questions about these things but would like to know if any of them are being considered or under development.  It would be helpful to be able to see a product road map!

  • I concur, Card View is increasingly useful to me as well.  I would like to see export and printing options available.

  • Hello, Smartsheet. I really hope you will consider adding the abillity to print from card view. It would save me a lot of time as I am required to provide a printed list of tasks by day of the week. I currently have to keep a duplicate manual list of all of my tasks that I already have in smartsheet. What a waste of time!  I thought card view was going to be the answer to my prayers but not having the ability to print is a deal breaker. Why is this not available? It seems ridiculous to only print rows in grid view. 

    I have been a huge smartsheet fan but have become increasingly disappointed in the apparent lack of response to user requests for enhancements. 

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