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Attachments - Group Download / Report / Collective

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello Community, We have a sheet containing a lot of attachments (photos) which we would like to collectively generate into a report, even at the bottom of the report.

Is this achievable? If so, can it refer to the row it is attached?

The report we generate makes no reference to there even being attachments to refer to. Screen shot of a typical example.




  • Shaine Greenwood



    There currently isn't a way to create a report using attachments themselves as criteria in the Report builder form, but I'll add your vote for this to our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    You might consider placing a checkbox column in your sheets, and checking the box if the row contains attachments. You'll need to check the boxes manually for any row containing attachments that you want pulled into the report.


    You can then use the What? criteria of your report to pull in rows that have the checked box.


    Note that attachments on the sheet level won't be pulled into the report.

This discussion has been closed.