Want to combine SmartSheet with Autotask

Wow, Im finding this site a little hard to navigate, apolgies if this is already posted somewhere. I found an old thread about combining Smartsheet with Autotask and it sounded like what we are attempting to do here at my company. Unfortunately, the results of their efforts were not posted and the thread is locked. So, I'm trying to re-open this for discussion...

Our goal: We would like to use Smartsheet for project management; create a task list with durations and predeccessors. Once a task is completed - that is, marked 100% - we would like ithe next tasks that were dependent to become active tickets in Autotask for our pool of help desk technicians.

I'm trying to find out of this is possible and what would need to be configured in Smartsheet and Autotask to build this functionality. And if we'd need something like Zapier to help make this all work together.

Thank you in advance for any assistance or guidance...
