workflow - email alert to user is sending over and over again

Hi, I've got a workflow to remind people (via email) that their assigned task is coming up to completion. This particular workflow triggers when the End Date of the task is 7 days away, send a reminder email to the Assigned To. What is happening an email is being sent every day as oppose to one time. I explained the behavior along with the workflow. I would like to have the desired behavior but maybe my workflow isn't setup correctly.

Current behavior:

I have a task called "Review user validation data" and Assigned To is me (and nobody else). The start date is 2/13/2020 and the end date is 2/14/2020. I received an email on 2/8, 2/9, 2/10 on the same workflow and on the same task.

Desired Behavior:

I would like a single email sent out on 2/8 (7 days before End Date) but I've received multiple emails (not just 2/8 but on 2/9, 2/10 where the same task is reminding me).

Thanks Community for your help!

Workflow Setup:


-When a date is reached (Every week on MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN) (and the workflow is set to run at 4am PT)

Conditions (two conditions)

(1)Where End Date is in the next (days) = 7 and

(2) where Status is not equal to Complete


Alert someone

-Send to contacts in a cell --> Assigned To

-<I have some plain text information to include the title and body of the email message>

Best Answer

  • Michael Watson
    edited 02/11/20 Answer ✓

    thank you for the tip. I went ahead and created a Helper column with the formula you mentioned and the values in the column are correct (i.e., taking End Date and subtracting 7 days). I will test it out tomorrow and see how it works. I've updated my workflow Condition with the following:
