Manage project with many tasks

Hi all ,

Happy valentine's day !

Has anyone ever experienced managing a project on smartsheet with more than 1 000 rows ( tasks ) ? I am currently trying to define a project on smartheet and I think that I will consist of 1 300 rows approximatively . I have reached 1 000 rows today , and I have the feeling that the system is becoming slower and slower , computation time is longer , and I often receive erros messages .

Is there a limit number of rows to run a project smoothly in SMARTSHEET ?

I have just switched to the GANT VIEW and activated project settings , and the situation is worse . I am afraid of doing a vain work and not being able to run my project smoothly at the end .

So I would like to receive best practises and workarounds to ensure that everything will flow properly .

For example , since my project is broken down into 3 big pahses , I consider using one sheet to manage one phase separetely , then I will summarize them in a report .

Thanks in advance !
