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Engineer's timesheet

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Has anyone created a timesheet for tracking/recording billable hours towards specific projects. 


  • I am interested in the same fuctionality.

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Eddie 

    we use this for all our consulting and support work. 

    Depending on the design and whether you want each worker to ONLY see their own work, so you have some choices..... 

    1. Create a timesheet for each person and let them add times to their sheet but choose from a Client Project dropdown list (for uniformity). When you approve their times in their sheet, copy those rows to a master sheet where you do all your calcs, (not visible to the rest of your team) .

    Use formulae to sum times and money against the projects in a dashboard area then link the resultant stats to the Project sheets by cell linking.  then use that Master Project sheet to issue your invoices to clients. The individual timesheets are the basis for wages to be paid. 

    2. You COULD use Smart forms for timesheet entry, same form for everyone, but if they make a mistake they have no way to correct it, except email you to do so? That can work well and is easier to admin? 


    Hope that helps, it is a common requirement and there are even more ways to achieve this but those two are popular. 






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