SUM of Check Box IF Function that returns a value.


I've created several "IF" formulas on a sheet. An example of one is as follows: =IF([Kickplate Installation]1, "$42.86", ""). When the checkbox is checked, it does return my value of $42.86. However, I've also created a column to total all of the values returned. When I "Sum" the returned values from the formula, the "SUM" was always "0.00". However, then I added a column with dollar values that were not connected to the "IF" formulas and used the "SUM" formula again and it only adds up the cells that are not associated with the "IF" formulas.

Looks like this:

In the column marked "Site Billing Total", all of the figures from both snips should be totaling. However, only the "Change Order Amount" is totaling. Assuming because it is not connected to any of the "IF" functions.

This is the formula for my "Site Billing Total" cells:

=SUM([Change Order Amount]1, [4 Wall FRP Paint Materials]1, [3 Wall FRP Paint Materials]1, [2 Wall FRP Paint Materials]1, [1 Wall FRP Paint Materials]1, [4 Wall Paint Materials]1, [3 Wall Paint Materials]1, [2 Wall Paint Materials]1, [1 Wall Paint Materials]1, [4 FRP Wall Paint $]1, [3 Wall FRP Paint $]1, [2 Wall FRP Paint $]1, [1 FRP Wall Paint $]1, [4 Wall Paint $]1, [3 Wall Paint $]1, [2 Wall Paint $]1, [1 Wall Paint $]1, [Kickplate Installation $]1, [Trip Charge $]1)

I'm hoping someone can assist me in totaling the values returned by the Checkbox IF function and by the other cells with values.

Thank you for any assistance that is available.

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