Collaborator Name not Recognised When Trying to Apply a Filter in Activity Log


when looking at the activity log for one of my sheets I can see the names of the collaborators the sheet has been shared to. However, when I try to filter on one of the collaborators I'm met with the error message "Unknown User Entered". It doesn't matter if I use their christian name, christian name & surname, or full email address.

Any help appreciated.


Best Answers

  • Steve Bertram
    Steve Bertram ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/23/20 Answer ✓

    HI Genevieve,

    thanks for your suggestion about the Smartsheet contacts which has resolved the problem. Still slightly confused as to why I can see their activity listed during a 'no filter applied' view but cannot find them in the collaborators list even though they are on the same corporate e-mail domain as me and I'm the owner of the sheet.

    A lesson learned for the future.

    Many Thanks



  • Steve Bertram
    Steve Bertram ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/23/20 Answer ✓

    HI Genevieve,

    thanks for your suggestion about the Smartsheet contacts which has resolved the problem. Still slightly confused as to why I can see their activity listed during a 'no filter applied' view but cannot find them in the collaborators list even though they are on the same corporate e-mail domain as me and I'm the owner of the sheet.

    A lesson learned for the future.

    Many Thanks
