Document the value of function / calculated field every day

Hi all,

I have 2 sheets:

1) working sheet where all tickets are logged + their status is maintained

2) calculation sheet with fields showing e.g. number of open / closed tickets and so on (calculated by formulas which refer to the working sheet 1). These values are used for dashboards and so on.

I wish to automatically track/log calculated values e.g. number of open tickets on a daily basis in a separate sheet. So it should be something like:

Date: Open tickets:

26/03/2020 10

27/03/2020 8

... but automatically created by smartsheet so I don't have to log it manually every day.

Is something like that possible? Is there a formula to get the value copied from a calculated field and then stop refering to that field so the value does not change every time the calculated field changes?


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