Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Internal Enterprise Templates

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Has anyone developed or use an in-house template area for the Smartsheet solutions created on their account?  An in-house "solution center."


Our enterprise account has 550+ users.  We are looking for a way to share and make available, Smartsheet solutions that have been developed on our account and may be useful in other areas of the company.


Thank you for any feedback!




  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    What I suggest you consider setting up is a "Library Sheet" that would be generally available to your wider users and be literally a Library of all the developed solution templates used in your organisation.

    Listed so they can be filtered Alphabetically, by name, use case, by Department  or any other helpful criteria. Each teamplate can have a hyperlinkl to review it, a written description of what is does, the name of the lead person to discuss it's use with etc etc. 

    That way you can share best practise with all your users in one place and ensure all those that need to know, have visibility of what has already been created.


    It is sometimes quite challenging in large orgs for users to find this sort of information out, but using Smartsheet in this way could be very powerful for all your users.

    My team and I can help you develop this idea if you need any help, otherwise let us know what you think as others may benefit too?



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