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Month Count/Summary as Integer

Chris Jackson
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have looked for examples but can not find - apologies for basic formula question.

From a date field i would like a formula that will take the month and total/count by month:

Eg:  Month 1 - Total 15

        Month 2 - Total 9

    to Month 12 - Total 0


Can anyone help?

many thanks



  • Chris Jackson
    edited 12/08/16


    Dont worry - got it.

    Extract Month into new column from Date for each row

    =MONTH([Actual Completed Date]1)


    Then total up each month (one entry for each month)

    ="Total DEC  -  " + COUNTIF(Month:Month, =12)

    Not sure if having 12 formulas is the most efficient - but it works


    Which can published on Site as a report 






    |If there is not date entered in the date field then =MONTH([Actual Completed Date]1) fails (no month to extract) - which then causes the COUNIF to fail.


    What tweak needs to be addded to ensure the =MONTH formula still works even if the Date column has no entry on that row?


    many thanks




  • Angus Bruce
    edited 12/08/16

    if(isblank([Actual Completed Date]1),0,month([Actual Completed Date]1))


    or one of the other logic statements ; iserror, isdate ?

  • Hm.....there really is no formula to count the # of something for a current month, or last month, using the date column? Seems weird to have create another column that pulls out the month from a date row.

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