Having multiple emails associated with an account


I have various people here who have multiple email set up with their name due to marriage/divorce/etc. As a result they have 2 email addresses and end up having different sheets shared to one of the two. When I try to add the other email to their account I get told there is an error. I followed the guide here https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2392037-change-the-email-address-used-with-your-smartsheet-account?source=apphelpicon

Also tried this community answer here

However neither appeared to fix the issue, I need both emails listed for them not just one. I know I can just add both to whatever cell or sheet i'm referencing but not everyone else will know to do this.

Thank you



  • Hi @Michael Heisler

    It sounds like you'll need to follow the steps at the bottom of the article you linked, under the heading "Issue: Address Can't Be Added" (see here). Was that the section you had gone through?

    If both emails have a Smartsheet account (for example, if a sheet was shared to both email addresses), then you won't be able to add either email as a Secondary Email because it already exists in Smartsheet. Email addresses can only be associated with one account/plan at a time.

    In order to have both emails on the same account/plan, you will need to log in to one of them & remove that email from the account. To remove an email, you will need a third, unused email to become the primary of that account so you can delete the current primary email from it. The detailed steps on how to do this are in that bottom section of the Help Center article linked above.

    If you are still having issues after following those steps, I would suggest that you may want to have anyone who is experiencing this issue contact Smartsheet Support with screen captures of any other error messages and the two emails/accounts so they can look into this further.



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