Forms: Pre-populating email address for the confirmation address

Pamela Wagner
Pamela Wagner ✭✭✭✭✭✭

My internal business client is requesting automation of their current process which includes an email to their clients with daily case reports. I would like to use a form to have the business enter in the pertinent information and then upon clicking Send Me a Confirmation, the client's emails will populate. They are very risk averse in terms of having to enter in data themselves (as client A received client B's info in the past) so I want to ensure that the form is very fool proof. I've been using the URL characters to help pre-populate the form as much as I can but since the confirmation email piece is not part of the form fields, I don't see how to get that to pre-populate. Also, if we can do this, it has to be multiple emails (or I wonder if I could create a distro list for it??).

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