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Why do I have to "Show Filter Menu" every time I open a sheet?

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

It seems that I'm constantly having to click "Show Filter Menu" and re-select my default filter.  This is an incredibly frustrating quirk.  Am I doing something wrong?  


I don't understand why, after I save a sheet w/ a filter enabled, I can't re-open the sheet the next day and automatically have that same filter applied.  Are these filters not persistent?  I thought they were persistent, prior to the addition of the "Show Filter Menu" feature...


  • Hi Steve—The default behavior is such that the last filter you've applied before saving the sheet will stay on the sheet until you remove that filter.


    Make sure you're saving the sheet before exiting.


    If you are, then I'd recommend contacting Support@Smartsheet.com for further troubleshooting.

  • Steve Johnson
    Steve Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/14/16

    I'm quite certain that I'm saving, because that is part of my workflow.  Each day, I have to open & save each of my sheets, so that conditinal formatting is updated in response to changes/updates.  However, I will do so again now and contact Support tomorrow, if the behavior is confirmed.  Thank you.

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