Alerts/notifications in Teams


I believe I have installed the Bot successfully. I see a notification in my Team's channel but I was hoping that there was a more "personal" or "in your face" type of notification? There is no way to send it directly to the person through Teams - just the channel? It didn't even make the Teams icon flash down on my task bar.....

Best Answer


  • Kelly S
    Kelly S ✭✭✭✭

    Oh, my notification was through an automated workflow if that matters. I've read that you can send as direct message but I don't seem to be able to.

  • Kelly S
    Kelly S ✭✭✭✭


    I'm not sure why this shows as a Rejected question? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

  • Kelly S
    Kelly S ✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P when you say Approval /UPdate requests can be "Direct message" does that mean email only? There is no direct message through Teams? Sorry, I am new to both systems.

  • Hi Kelly,

    My apologies for the confusing wording! Yes, you are correct, that means sending to an email as it's requesting one user to either approve or update a row (versus notifying or alerting a group of people within Teams).

    I would suggest that this may be a better question for the Microsoft Teams Community (see here) as they may have better resources or insight in to how notifications are received.

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