How to only include the update request button in update request emails



I'm using update requests to manage a review process where users will be conversing via comments on a row in smartsheet, but they will not be going into the actual smartsheet. The Update request includes around 20 read-only fields and people receive update requests when other reviewers leave comments.

It's confusing for the reviewers because they are scrolling through the email to see the comments instead of clicking on the "Open Update Form". I want to remove the fields from the body of the email so they basically only see the "Open Update Form" button. Is that possible?


  • Marta Lewis

    @Julia C Peterson, I'm not sure that you can completely omit all fields but you can easily cut back on and select which ones to display.

    Open your automation workflow and go to the Request an Update section. You should see a vertical ellipsis in the top right corner. Click on that to go to Advanced Options and check off, "Display only these columns." Select one field for reference = to distinguish from other update requests; perhaps the primary column? Make sure to hit Save when exiting the workflow.

    I hope this helps!

  • Julia C Peterson
    Julia C Peterson ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Marta,

    I don't want to remove any fields from the Update Request. I want all of the ones I selected to appear in the Update Request Form (the actual URL that the button takes you to). I just don't want any of them to appear in the body of the email. If I remove them from "Display only these columns" they get removed from the update request form (URL version) and the body of the email, so that won't work.

  • Marta Lewis

    I see. Could you add some instruction to click on the Open Update Form and fill in where they should respond?

  • Ninnet Bowman

    I need this same feature. The person providing the update should not have access to the sheet, and I have received feedback that including the fields in the body of the email is not atheistically pleasing, and is confusing despite having instructions. The functionality to exclude a link to the sheet and/or fields in the body of the message is available if you alerting someone, but not when you are requesting an update.

  • Cathy Handzel

    I also need this feature. Not everyone reads the instructions to click the Open Update Form button. When they get the email, they select reply and enter text in the field list that is displayed in the email. So they never go through the form which nullifies the whole point of the exercise. If the email only incudes the Open Update Form button, then they will be protected from doing the wrong thing.

  • Tom Salmond

    Ditto. Showing a long list of empty cells is not intuitive.

    The information is best left to the form.

  • SusannahAmuri

    Totally agree on this - I just want to send the button.

  • Kayla Q
    Kayla Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/16/22

    I also need this!

    Otherwise, users just reply to the email with their information.

  • Brooks
    Brooks ✭✭✭✭

    I also need this! Sometimes the information displayed in the email is sensitive and should not be sent in an email. We need a way to send an update request but to keep data secure.

  • Peggy Parchert
    Peggy Parchert ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Please vote on the submitted enhancement request for this Sending Update Request Securely - this would definitely be helpful in several situations.
