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Symbols not appearing in reports

Rory Power
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

When generating a report, my status symbols are displaying as text not as a symbol but are a symbol in my project plan. This has only recently occured.


  • Hi Rory,


    There has been some infrastructure changes this week at Smartsheet and I know reporting was impacted at one point this week.  Many of the issues I experienced has since been resolved.


    I'll check some of my reports tomorrow morning that also have status symbols to see if I experience the same issue - and if I do - I will send in an issue to support@smartsheet.com for us!

  • Hi Michelle,


    Thanks. Have checked today and still having the same issue.


  • Hi Rory,


    Smartsheet had some recent infrastructure updates.  Support ended up re-indexing my workspace that fixed my report issues.


    If you are still having this issue I would recommend you email support@smartsheet.com as well, share your specific issue and provide them the workspace URL where your reports reside so they can also re-index.  I bet this will resolve your issue too.

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