Formula Not Working. Turning Sizes into Numbers


I am trying to write a simple formula where I translate a size value into a number.

For example in my column called "Size":

I want to create a formula that turns the following size into corresponding numbers in another column. 

XS = 1, S = 2, M = 3, L = 5

My formula is as follows, but doesn't work?

=IF([Size]1 = "XS", 1), IF(([Size]1 = "S", 2)), IF(([Size1] = "M", 3)), IF(([Size1] = "L",5))


Thanks for any help,


Best Answers

  • Marcel Hovsepian
    Marcel Hovsepian ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thanks so much Andrée . The formula worked.

    Much appreciated,



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