Gantt chart - displaying the delay in a different colour

sahilhq ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 06/08/20 in Smartsheet Basics


I have used one of the project management gantt view Smartsheet template and I was wondering if I could take it one step further by showing the delay (Schedule Delta Working Days) in the GANTT chart by a different colour? The date range display is currently set to start and end date and I would also like show the delay in a different colour or format in the bar chart. See below screenshot of how my sheet is formatted. A few recommendations will also be fantastic!

Best Answer


  • Hi @sahilhq

    Currently the only elements able to be mapped on a Gantt chart are the Start Date & End Date columns from the Project Settings, along with the Label of your choice. This means that it's not currently possible to display a second set of dates, or your "delay" column - please submit an Enhancement Request when you have a minute!

    One thing you may want to do, if you want to show that number, would be to JOIN together the name of the task (ex. "Client Introduction") with the delay day into one column, and then you can use this as your label. That way you can easily see if there's a delay or not... for example:

    "Client Introduction - Delay: 1"

    The formula would use the JOIN function like this:

    =JOIN([Task Name]@row, [Schedule Delta (Working Days)]@row, " - Delay: ")

    Would this work for what you're looking to do?



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  • sahilhq
    sahilhq ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P I really like this suggestion! I have a silly question to ask - where do I need to add this formula? Will it be in the task name column, a "helper column" or somehwere else? I tried inputting it into both the task name column and a new helper column but I kept getting #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error.

  • Not a silly question at all! I should have specified. You'd need a helper column which will just be for the purpose of containing this formula. You can title it something like "Gantt Name" so you know what it's used for.

    Then you will need to adjust your Project Settings for what column is being used as your Labels:

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  • sahilhq
    sahilhq ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P Thanks. Unfortunately, the formula still doesn't work :/ Are you able to understand what am I inputting incorrectly?

  • sahilhq
    sahilhq ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P That worked! Thank you!!

  • Great! So glad that worked for you!

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