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Nested ISBLANK Formula issue

James Maxwell
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi all, 


I've having some issues with the formula below and was wondering if anyone more knowledgable than I could take a look for me. I don't get an error message I just get a blank cell which is actually worse than an error message.


=IF(ISBLANK([WPA2]47), [WPA1]47 + [>30PEE]47, IF(ISBLANK([WPA1]47), RCM47 + [>30PCM]47, IF(ISBLANK(RCM47), [Contract Date]47 + [>30BCM]47, [WPA1]47 + [>30PWP]47))))


Some context this is to create an updating expected date. WPA2, WPA1, RCM, and Contract Date are all dates and the rest are just numbers in text boxes to move the dates down the road.


I had it working before but somehow deleted it! Can't seem to figure out what I did.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You have one too many close paranthesis at the end of your formula.

    There are three IF's and four ")"


    That said, if your WPA1, WPA2, RCM, and [Contract Date] columns have dates in them you should not get a blank value.

    An empty date + a value will be blank.


    Revisiting your nested ifs, your order is wrong.

    You first check if WPA2 is blank, if it is then you use WPA1's date - but that might be blank too (you didn't check). Same with RCM.


    With 4 dates, you have 16 different results based on only blank or a date (ignoring text). Of those 16 results, 7 should return a blank (the image below shows "error"



    Hope this helps you move forward.




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