Workflow - links at the bottom

Pamela Wagner
Pamela Wagner ✭✭✭✭✭✭

I am thinking of using the Workflow functionality to alert a client when they have a document waiting for their review in I notice that in testing workflow, I received the email notification and saw that there is the following at the bottom:

You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to a workflow "Chemtrex" (ID# 4655465343805316) on sheet AD | Contract Del_Sheet_Daily Cases_PC TEST

Your notifications include changes made by you. Exclude your changes from all notifications

Don't want to receive this notification? Unsubscribe

I'm not concerned about the first line as the sheet won't be shared with them so they can't get into it which is correct. But I am concerned about the last two as I cannot have them changing the notifications or unsubscribing as that will defeat the purpose of the email and they will have opted in to get these notifications anyway. Is there anyway to remove those or edit them? If not, any suggestions? Note that I cannot use a Form to deliver the information as it does not have the functionality to send the information to more than one email address.
