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How to set-up net-30 days in Smartsheet

Joe Katoa
Joe Katoa
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Although seems very elementary to set this up, however, I am having the toughest time trying to build this "net-30"  into our invoicing report. Can someone help me out?  Thanks in advance! 


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Joe,


    Are you creating a Smartsheet report that pulls data from source sheets you've built? This article might help: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522214-creating-reports


    Are you instead attempting to create a "net-30" formula of some kind in a sheet? Check out our formulas article for details on constructing formulas in Smartsheet and our various functions: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/775363-using-formulas


    If the above isn't what you're looking for, are you able to provide more information on your workflow and the specific roadblocks you're facing?

  • Joe Katoa
    Joe Katoa
    edited 01/17/17

    Thank you Shaine, I will review those articles mentioned above soonest. 


    The column that I wanted to show net-30 on is being pulled from the date of the invoice on same page (very similar to an Excel sheet I have).  On the contrary, I was able to configure the Aging column on same page, but not the net-30.  I am attaching a sample for your review.  Thank you in advance. 

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