How do I set a formula for an entire single select drop down column?

I am pretty new to using SmartSheets and I've just figured out how to use formulas! I've been searching everywhere but I can't seem to figure out how to set a formula for an entire column. I want the formula to be automatically be applied when a new row is added (these rows are brought in via responses to a form). This column is a single-select drop down column so I'm thinking this may be having an effect?

Here's the formula I'm using (in case that may be helpful): =IF([Passed A Review?]@row = "No", "Declined")

Here's what I've already tried and all the information I currently have:

  1.  I've dragged the cell with the formula to the others - this brought the formula to these other columns but when a new row was added via the form, these rows were added below where the formula was applied and the formula was not applied.
  2. I've deleted all the rows below my last one with hopes of resetting it??? - I saw this in a discussion somewhere, it didn't do anything
  3. I read in another discussion that once the two rows above a entered row have a formula set, the formula will automatically be set in that new row.. that hasn't worked for me either

Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!



  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    Hi @Samara McCallum

    I tried this a couple different ways (form input and standard row add) and both ways the formula auto-populated onto the newly added row. I tried keeping the "Passed A Review" column blank and the primary column blank and both options still populated the formula. Maybe try to replicate the situation on a new sheet. Or maybe try refreshing/saving at different times after you delete all the rows below the last one.

    I'm sorry I couldn't help more but maybe something here will help.

    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Thank you so much for your efforts and help! I kept messing around with it and I somehow got it to work the way I expected but the problem is that I need the formula to automatically load without having data in the sheet (so for example, I need the first entry (via the Form) to automatically apply this formula). This is because I am actually creating a template to be used by others. Do you happen to know if this is possible?

  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    If your template has the formula in the top row, it should work each time you open and save the template as a new file.

    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

Help Article Resources

Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet?

Check out the Formula Handbook template!