Clarification Using AVG() with COLLECT()


I am looking to understand how the COLLECT() function nested within the AVG() function works and is evaluated. Using the help files, I found the following example. I am specifically looking at the very last formula where the result is "60". I understand this example completely.

However, when I look at the example shown on the Smartsheet Formula Example sheet it doesn't appear to work the same. The formula is the following:

=AVG(COLLECT([Value 2]153:[Value 2]156, [Value 2]153:[Value 2]156, >10))

If I understand correctly, the COLLECT() function is "collecting" the values in the column identified as "Value 2" (which in this case contains the values $12, $17, $10 & $10) within the range specificed (rows 153 to 156) and returning those two values to the AVG() function for calculation. I'm assuming the only two values that would be returned and ultimately averaged together would be the $12 and $17. Therefore, the result of AVG() of those two numbers would be ((12+17)/2) = $14.50. This would be the same method of calculating the average as shown in the HELP example. Is this correct?

If the amount of $14.50 is correct, why does the answer highlighted in green say $13.00? What am I missing?

Any insight you could provide would be appreciated.

Thank you.


Best Answers


  • Michael Murphy

    Ahh...I see. Thanks for the info.

    So in the future, how would I know whether or not the value in a cell includes decimals without double-clicking a cell in "x" number of columns to find out? Is there any type of indication on the sheet that flags the fact decimals are hidden? For example, in Excel, if a formula or fomatting doesn't appear to match the rest of the column, or if a number is saved as "text", etc., an indication appears in one corner of the cell. Is there a feature like this or similar in Smartsheet?

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