Can an Admin see what I have created as an owner?

I have created some content for VPs, HR, etc...that others, including the person who is our Smartsheet Admin, should have access to. I just want to confirm that NO ONE, not even an Admin, can see the content I have created unless I have shared the content with them.

Best Answer


  • RossL
    RossL ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you create the sheets, reports, or dashboards in a shared workspace then they can see whatever is in the workspace. if you only have them shared at the sheet level all they will see is the sheet.

  • Cheryl Crouse
    Cheryl Crouse ✭✭✭✭

    I haven’t shared the workspace OR any of the sheets with them. Can they still see them simply because they are the Co Admin?

  • RossL
    RossL ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    the only way for them to see them is if they are shared. if you go to the sheets you don't want them to see and click on the share button it will show if they are shared to the sheet if they are then you can un-share them. If the sheets they are seeing were made using the save as new function if the sharing checkbox was not unchecked it would create a new sheet with the same permissions.

  • Cheryl Crouse
    Cheryl Crouse ✭✭✭✭

    OK. I just want to be sure that the person who is managing our licenses etc under an Enterprise agreement can’t see everything that has been created by all licensed users, just because they are the Enterprise Admin. Whether or not they have been shared. I know how to share and to in share people. But I want to be sure there isn’t an overarching permission to see content because they are the enterprise admin.

    Just to confirm, you are saying that No One, not even the Enterprise Admin, can see anything they aren’t shared to.

    Sorry to keep asking, but I have to be VERY certain. There is company confidential information that our enterprise admin definitely should NOT have access to.

  • Cheryl Crouse
    Cheryl Crouse ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you very much!