Customizing Content in Alerts

This discussion was created from comments split from: IF(OR Statement giving #unparseable, using ; or , ?.


  • Hello Genevieve.

    I have another question regarding Smartsheet. I have automations set up to email drivers when their credentials are due to expire. The email sends to a specific contact in a cell. However, it appears that each driver is able to see a list of all drivers who share the same condition. How can I make the email content specific to the driver only without including the names of other drivers?

  • Hi @Lisa Rogers

    I've created a new post from your question, as it's a different topic.

    I'm unable to see the image posted, as it's quite small... but if I understand you correctly, you are sending an alert to a contact in a column, but they are seeing the entire row's worth of data and you only want to show specific columns. Is that what you meant?

    If so, you can adjust this from the Advanced Options in the email window - you can find the advanced options in the three dots to the top-right of that window (it looks like you might have this open already in that screen capture). From here, you can customize what columns/row data is sent in the email:

    If I've misunderstood your question, it would be good to see a full screen capture of how your sheet is set up (blocking out any sensitive data) pointing out what columns are used in the alert & what the trigger is. A bigger picture of the workflow would help as well!



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