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Monday of date

Mark Capretta
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have an installation date column and a "week of" column. In our "week of" column, we keep the date of the Monday before.

As an example, if the installation date is 1/19/17, the "Week of" column should be 1/16/17. Or, if the date is on a Monday, (Installation 1/23/17), the "Week of" column should be the same as the installation column (Week of 1/23/17).


I need a formula that would allow me to just fill in the installation date, and will automatically populate the "Week of" date. Every formula I have tried fails when the date is a Monday, so if I filled in 1/23/17, it will populate the Monday prior (1/16/17).



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Post your current formula. You are almost there.



  • Mark Capretta
    edited 01/19/17

    =[Installation Date]-WEEKDAY([Installation Date]-2)

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This is one way:


    =IF(WEEKDAY([complaint date]29) = 2, [complaint date]29, [complaint date]29 - WEEKDAY([complaint date]29 - 2))


    I think I have a more elegant way but need to find a pencil.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Found one.


    =[complaint date]37 - WEEKDAY([complaint date]37 - 1) + 1




  • Mark Capretta

    Follow-up that I should have mentioned. I'm trying to pull the date from a separate cell. Here's the exact copy of me trying your provided formulas:


    =IF(WEEKDAY(([Est Install Start Dt]1783)29) = 2, ([Est Install Start Dt]1783)29, (([Est Install Start Dt]1783)29) - (WEEKDAY(([Est Install Start Dt]1783)29) - 2)


    =([Est Install Start Dt]1783)37-WEEKDAY(([Est Install Start Dt]1783)37-1)+1


    I'm not having any luck with that. Does that new information change anything?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    My final formula:


    =[complaint date]37 - WEEKDAY([complaint date]37 - 1) + 1


    Ignore the first one, that was the inelegant one.





    so for your example, the cell reference is [Est Install Start Dt]1783


    =[Est Install Start Dt]1783 - WEEKDAY([Est Install Start Dt]1783 - 1) + 1




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