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Scroll wheel not working with system settings

Brad Jones
Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I swear I posted this somewhere else, but cannot find it now.  Opening a new post.


I am able to scroll, but I find that Smartsheet does not respect the settings of the mouse scroll wheel while I am in a sheet or report.  If I go to the home tab, or scroll around in my favorites, I can see that one click of the wheel ~= the number of lines I have set in my system.  However, as soon as I go into a sheet or report, it reduces the scrolling down to one line per click.  And, it seems to add some kind of acceleration to it as well.  If I scroll down 30 clicks quickly, I end up down on row 100 something.


I have disabled all chrome extensions and restarted chrome - no effect on bug

I have uninstalled my mouse programs and I am just using the windows mouse settings - no effect

I did both of the above together - no effect.


It's not that my mouse won't scroll, it's just that it won't scroll correctly.  


All tests done within the same sheet.

Mouse - Logitech M570 

Mouse scroll wheel setting in native windows mouse settings panel - 6 lines per click

Test of scroll distance within a sheet

Start by clicking on row 1 and then slowly ticking down three ticks on the mouse wheel.

Expected result is ~18 = 6 x 3 (though this could vary a little)

Result is the first fully visible row showing at the top of the sheet

Chrome:  5

Firefox: 8

IE:  5

Test of scroll distance within the favorites list(lines per tick of the wheel)

Start by clicking the checkbox on the first favorite and then slowly ticking down three ticks on the mouse wheel.  Click the checkbox at the favorite now at the top of the list.

Expected result is ~18 = 6 x 3 (though this could vary a little)

Result is the number of the row where the second check mark is located.

Chrome:  21

Firefox:  10

IE:  16


Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


  • Hi Brad—


    Our Support team has informed me that they're not seeing any other customers report this type of behavior in the application. I know that Logitech equipment has interefered with Smartsheet in the past, even after customers disable extensions and other mouse applications, Logitech mouses don't play nice with Smartsheet.

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the feedback Shaine.  I spoke with support but never got a call back with the resolution, so I'm glad I posted here.  As to previous observations, It is possible that others have not specifically checked to see that one scroll wheel click = the number of rows they have chosen in their settings and also reported it to support.


    I have now tested this behavior using a different brand of mouse (Srocker - Mfr, C10 - Model, 'Silent Gaming Mouse' https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Soundless-Receiver-Adjustable-Four-color/dp/B01565RLGY?ie=UTF8&keywords=SROCKER&qid=1460107471&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2) and confirmed that the behavior is the same.  Within the sheets, the mouse does not respect the settings of the system.  It works OK in the folder view and the favorites view, but when inside a report or sheet it only scrolls ~one row per click regardless of my system settings.  The results from this test match the results of the previous test, both for the # of rows and for the browsers, so I won't republish.


    In firefox I have tested to see if this has anything to do with wrapped text, font size, or anything that might lead the system to believe that one row was more than one line, and I have found a correlation.  Within the sheets, if you have any row that has multiple lines within the row, then it will treat that row as multiple lines in regards to scrolling.  Tested by putting six lines in a cell all the way down the sheet and then scrolled.  It followed closely, but not perfectly.  Also, if you have a row that is empty, it does not treat it as one line - rather it treats it like 1.5 lines.  Still does not work in Chrome or IE.


    So the problem is both browser dependent, and dependent on the content of the rows, but seems to have nothing to do with the hardware.

  • Hi Brad—


    Can you confirm that this same exact behavior occurs on a different computer that you're positive has a different configuration (not the same drivers installed)?


    Since we're not receiving reports of other users experiencing this issue, I'm still leaning on this being either a hardware (your computer) or software (drivers on your computer, most likely, but possibly other applications).


    For instance, several people in our Smartsheet offices are able to scroll through sheets without issue using the classic 2 button and scroll wheel type USB mouse and don't have issue scrolling with a trackpad.

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/26/17

    I just tested this on a different laptop.  The laptop is a different model, and is about 4 years older than mine.  I ensured that there were no plugins to the browser for logitech, and I used a non-logitech mouse for the test.  Tested this in IE, as the laptop did not have chrome installed.


    Again, the scrolling works, it just does not follow the system setting.  And, this is ONLY happening from within a sheet.  While in the file tree and workspace windows work correctly.  That's the part that gets me.  Why would it work differently within one part of the Smartsheet platform than in the other parts of the platform?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    To answer your somewhat rhetorical question: because functionality that looks the same many not be. Either it isn't and it is coded in multiple places, or it is, but still coded in multiple places because noone reefactored the code to account for the redundancies.


    If I look at the height of the objects in various places, they look differently, so perhaps the developer thought they were solving a different problem.


    I don't program GUI much. 





  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the input Craig.  Tell me, how does your mouse wheel scroll while in a sheet?  Does it track with your settings, or at least very close?


    I've seen that what you have in the cells can change the behavior (such as having multiple rows within a cell via Alt+Enter).  My test was run on a brand new sheet with no added cell content so that i could avoid format/content related behaviors.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Don't judge me, but I only set the Ctrl key to have a find-me circle and then forget the settings are there.


    I checked and the settings are 3 "lines" per click.

    I don't know what that means.


    Testing with row 19 at the top






    It is different on my other monitor.

    I can't tell if it the monitor, the mouse settings, or Smartsheet.




  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for running the test Craig.  I'm not sure what browser you used, but at least it confirms that you observe a similar behavior.  4 clicks should have been 12 lines (or rows), but it was 7 for you.  You have confirmed that I am not crazy. Laughing
    I didn't even think to check monitors... that's an interesting influence.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I only confirmed your test results. Your sanity can not be confirmed or denied based on this evidence. Laughing


    Windows 10 Chrome.



    ps I once said that to a co-worker and she didn't talk to me for a week.

    That was a quiet week.



  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/01/17

    hahahahaaa.  You won't be so lucky with me.  

This discussion has been closed.