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Multi Select Dropdown Witih Criteria pulled from Another Smartsheet

Hello! I am attempting to create a Smartsheet form. When a user completes the form they need to identify every account that will be impacted by the project associated with that form.

How can we include a multi-select filed in the form, with which all accounts to select from are included in a separate smartsheet list? is it possible for a user to type in search criteria to have the dropdown show only those accounts that include the typed criteria?

Thanks for your help!



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello John,

    Still not positive what you are looking for but here are some general thoughts and if one seems useful I can touch on it more. Depending on how the account numbers are set up and how many of them there are you could probably include them all in the Multi list drop down for them to type in. If they are based of a group or something like that you could also create separate columns for each group with the items that are listed and will only show up on the form if selected.

    Let me know your thoughts on this and if you have any additional details that may allow us to come up with other solutions


  • ✭✭✭

    Good morning, Michael. Thank you for the note.

    Sorry if my note wasn't clear. We're creating a service request form to be used internally. I have a Smartsheet, "Account List, that includes a column of ~ 3000 account names. I would like to include a field in that form in which the submitter selects every account from the Account List that is a part of that service request. Each account that is checked would appear in an adjacent column, preferably with each selected account listed in separate cells, and appearing as they are checked.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you,


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello John,

    You are fine, ok so I am not currently aware of something that can do this. An option would be to have each of these be individual columns in the form so you have all 3000 options in maybe 10 columns and they can select one in each cell (Account 1, Account 2, Account 3,....) Have the first one be required and single select and the rest state "if necessary". If more are needed just have the last one by "remaining account numbers" which could be multiselect.

    Hope this helps


  • ✭✭✭

    Ok, that make sense. Thank you for the assist!


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