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Linking Harvest hours to Smarsheet

Matt Bowers
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Our company employees log all of their hours into Harvest. I see that you can send SmartSheet hours to Harvest, but I would like to pull hours from Harvest directly into my Smartsheets. Is that possible?


Thank you!


  • cjab


    I am using Harvest and Smartsheet. Is there a built in method to connect them or is there an app such as Zapier to do so?



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi All—


    Harvest is a Smartsheet Labs application. All Labs applications are completely experimental and subject to change or removal at any time without notice.


    If you're interested in the Harvest Labs app, check out our Labs page: https://smartsheetlabs.com/


    There isn't a way to send information from Harvest to Smartsheet, mainly due to Smartsheet not having a time format (hh:mm:ss). Smartsheet isn't able to log 8:00am in a sheet as a time value.

This discussion has been closed.